Nagrada Živojin Žika Pavlović za promociju kulturnog prostora Balkana u Svetu
Honorary Award Živojin Žika Pavlović for the Promotion of Balkan Culture in the World
Živojin Žika Pavlović (1933 – 1998) legendarni reditelj, književnik, slikar i profesor na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu.
Kao devetnaestogodišnjak počeo je da piše o filmu i umetnosti za beogradske novine i časopise. Diplomirao je slikarstvo na Akademiji primenjenih umetnosti u Beogradu. Svoj prvi amaterski film Ljuba Popović (1958) režira sa dvadeset pet godina. Tri godine kasnije završio je svoj prvi igrani film Žive vode (omnibus Kapi, Vode, Ratnici 1962).
Kao istaknuti predstavnik jugoslovenskog crnog talasa, stvorio je remek-dela koja su obogatila svetsku kinematografiju, uključujući: Buđenje pacova (Srebrni medved u Berlinu), Zaseda (Venecijanski filmski festival) i verovatno njegovo najpoznatije delo, Kad budem mrtav i beo (Karlove Vari). Poslednju scenu tog filma parafrazirao je Artur Pen u svom filmu iz 1975. godine, The Missouri Breaks. Džon Šlezinger, koji je film pogledao u Njujorku, takođe je tvrdio da je inspirisao njegov film Midnight Cowboy iz 1969. godine.
Pavlović je dobio brojne nagrade, uključujući dve NIN-ove nagrade za svoje romane, nagradu Isidora Sekulić, Srebrnog medveda na Međunarodnom filmskom festivalu u Berlinu, kao i nekoliko Zlatnih arena na Pulskom filmskom festivalu, najprestižnijem u Jugoslaviji. Njegovi filmovi su prepoznatljivi kako po izrazu, tako i po tematici koju obrađuje. Njegovi junaci su ljudi sa margina društva, neprilagodjeni društvenim prilikama i okolnostima koje vladaju. Pavlović je poput svojih junaka u filmovima bio izrazito kritičan prema negativnim društvenim pojavama, što nije ostavilo ravnodušnim zvanične vlasti Jugoslavije.
Živojin Žika Pavlović (1933 – 1998) was a legendary director, writer, painter, and professor at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade.
At the age of nineteen, he began writing about film and art for Belgrade newspapers and magazines. He graduated in painting from the Academy of Applied Arts in Belgrade. He directed his first amateur film, Ljuba Popović (1958), at the age of twenty-five. Three years later, he completed his first feature film Living Waters (part of the omnibus Drops, Waters, Warriors, 1962).
As a prominent representative of the Yugoslav Black Wave, he created masterpieces that enriched world cinema, including The Rats Woke Up (Silver Bear in Berlin), The Ambush (Venice
Film Festival), and probably his most famous work, When I Am Dead and Gone (Karlovy Vary Festival). The final scene of that movie was paraphrased by Arthur Penn in his 1975 film The Missouri Breaks. John Schlesinger, who saw the film in New York, also claimed that it inspired his Midnight Cowboy from 1969.
Pavlović received numerous awards, including two NIN Prizes for his novels, Isidora Sekulić Award, one Silver Bear of the Berlin International Film Festival and several Golden Arenas of the Yugoslavia's most prestigious Pula Film Festival.
His films are recognizable both for their expression and for the themes they explore. His protagonists are people on the margins of society, unadapted to the prevailing social conditions and circumstances. Pavlović, like the characters in his films, was highly critical of negative social phenomena, which did not go unnoticed by the official authorities of Yugoslavia.
Filmografija / Filmography
- 2002. Država mrtvih / The State of the Dead
- 1992. Dezerter / Deserter
- 1987. Na putu za Katangu / On the Road to Katanga
- 1983. Zadah tela / Body Scent
- 1980. Dovidjenja u sledećem ratu / See You in the Next War
- 1977. Hajka / Manhunt
- 1975. Pesma (Tv film u 6 epizoda) / The Song (Tv film, 6 episodes)
- 1973. Let mrtve ptice / The Flight of Dead Bird
- 1970. Crveno klasje / Red Wheat
- 1969. Zaseda / The Ambush
- 1968. Kad budem mrtav i beo / When I Am Dead and Gone
- 1967. Budjenje pacova / The Rats Woke Up
- 1966. Povratak / The Return
- 1965. Neprijatelj / The Enemy
- 1963. Grad (ominbus) / The City
- 1962. Kapi, vode, ratnici (segment Žive vode) / Drops, Waters, Warriors
Nagrade / Awards
Golden Mask for the film The Enemy - I Festival of Mediterranean Film (1965)
Golden Arena for directing the film The Rats Woke Up - Pula Film Festival (1967)
Silver Bear for directing the film The Rats Woke Up - Berlin Film Festival (1967)
Grand Golden Arena for the film When I Am Dead and Gone - Pula Film Festival (1968)
Grand Prix for the best film When I Am Dead and Gone - Karlovy Vary Film Festival (1968)
Golden Lion for the film The Ambush - Venice Film Festival (1969)
Grand Golden Arena and Golden Arena for directing the film Red Wheat - Pula Film Festival (1971)
Golden Plaque for the screenplay, based on a literary work, for the film Red Wheat - Berlin Film Festival (1971)
Golden Arena for directing the film Manhunt - Pula Film Festival (1976)
Grand Golden Arena, Golden Arena for directing, and Golden Arena for the screenplay for the film Body Scent - Pula Film Festival (1983)
Golden Gladiator for the film On the Road to Katanga (1987)
Silver Mimosa for the film Deserter - Herceg Novi Film Festival (1992)
Felix Romuliana Award for Lifetime Achievement
Golden Olive for the best film Deserter - Festival of Mediterranean Film in Bastia (1992)
Honorary Lifetime Achievement Award Golden Seal of the Yugoslav Film Archive (posthumous award, 2023)